venerdì 27 marzo 2009

A lot of work needs to be done...

Hey guys, this is a brief post reflecting about what I'm doing in my blog. 
I'm really trying to follow Sarah's instructions. In fact, I'm trying to write not really long posts and I'm trying to make them readable by writing short paragraphs with only one idea each. I highlight the key words for each paragraph, too, in order to clarify what the main idea is. 
I know I still have to do a lot of work, because, for example, I didn't put links or colours in my posts, and the paragraphs don't have the same length, but I'm trying to do my best
What do you think about it? Feel free to leave any comments you'd like to. : )

2 commenti:

  1. Hi Vale,
    I like the way you are managing your blog,well done! Your posts are interesting and easy to read.The idea to focus only on one subject a time is a winning one, resulting in being much more flowing and coherent.I don't think you need to put links or to change colours, it's not necessary, but if you'd like,well,it's ok..
    I'll try and follow your tricks,let me know if you see any good results in my posts:-)!
    Bye Anna

  2. Hi Vale!
    I agree with Anna, your posts' layout is ok, simple and clear! perharps you're right saying that my posts are too colourful!!!
