Guys, did you read the articles about the disappearance of some videos on YouTube that Sarah provided us? I did, but
it was not a surprise. In fact, I heard about this story through television and newspapers. To sum up what's happening, some videos on YouTube, both official and produced by amateurs, disappeared because of copyright problems. The fact is that Warner wants to be paid for its copyrighted works.
Let's say I don't blame neither YouTube nor the record label, in this case Warner. Nowadays technology is widely spread all over the world and we use it for every reason. If we have to search for a piece of information, we just turn the computer on and open Google. If we want to have fun, we turn the computer on and we start to play in "Pet Society" on Facebook, or we just chat. Technology is an extremely important part of our life at the moment, and it's going to become worse and worse (or better and better? It depends on how much you like it!). Well, I don't love technology, but I'm aware of the fact that it's very useful and that it improves our lives a lot from some specific point of views. For example, it really simplifies our lives with mailing. What is important is to organize it, in order to avoid problems. Technology has to follow some rules, otherwise it's going to become impossible to use it properly and someone's going to abuse of it. Actually, it's already happening.
In this particular case, I share the disappointment because of the disappearance of some videos on Youtube, which I regularly use and which is one of my favourite tools, but I understand Warner's rights. It's not that everybody can do anything, rules have to be established and followed. I think that the only solution is that
Warner and YouTube come to an agreement about the money that the latter should pay to the former to use its material. I personally think they should hurry up, otherwise the users are going to loose a lot of good material that should be protected (some videos on YouYube are soooo funny!).
About the block of YouTube in China, I just think it's outrageous. China is trying to hide what's happening in Tibet, and the rest of the world lets this happen! I have no words to explain the shame I feel. I feel helpless about this situation and the people who can do something about it (the politicians) do nothing! I can't believe it's happening... what a shame! And the fact China said its governement is not afraid of the Internet but it's the opposite is a further demonstration (the first one was the block of YouTube) of the fact China's government fears the Internet a lot. It's important to be aware of the Tibet's situation, and it's important to do something! But we all know that politicians are going to do nothing, as usual.