martedì 19 maggio 2009

Here I am again! 
I didn't manage to make a link to my map, but I managed to put it directly in my post. So, this is my map!

Our university path is over... : )

Hi everybody! 
This is my last post and you know what? I'm HAPPY!!! Sorry for saying this, I know I should write I'm really sad and so on, but, as I'm an honest person, I cannot hide my real feelings. ; ) The truth is I was tired of writing posts and of dealines. Please don't misunderstand me: I think the work we did in this second and last semester with Sarah was extremely useful 'coz we discovered tools that are gonna help us a lot in using the Internet from now on; I was just tired of working so hard every week. So, now it's over and I can relax a little bit before starting studying seriously for my exams, which unfortunately are coming really soon. : (

About the map on my personal learning environment, I have nothing really important to say. It was easy to build my map, as I'm pretty aware of the tools I use and of the people who help me in my learning process. Come on, we're all aware of them, we're students of the second year of specialistica. I bet that everybody feel like we grew a lot during these university years. We became responsible and mature. During our first university year we were a bit disoriented, we followed our teachers' instructions without being aware of what they were doing for us, but now I guess everybody exactly know what our teachers expect from us and the reasons why they decide to teach us this instead of that. Am I wrong? 
So, what can I say? I'm a bit sad if I think that my "university path" is over, but I'm excited if I think that, somehow, my "real" life is gonna begin soon! I'm not talking about my map, I know, this is a kind of reflective post on my university life... never mind! ; )

Just one last thing: I'm not able to put the link to show you my map, but I'm gonna work on this for the rest of the day. I'm gonna manage it, that's for sure! So, later I'm gonna write another post with the link...    

mercoledì 6 maggio 2009

Internet: let's read the leaflet before using it!

My dear Godness, we can never relax! Today in class we talked about the risks using the Internet. A lot of things came out, such as the risk to run into unwanted material or to infringe the copyright. Problems, always problems... life's hard! ; )

What can I say about this topic? Well, certainly the Internet is a great discover 'coz it really improved our lives. Thanks to the Internet, we can get information quickly, we can talk with friends in real time and we can share our documents. Nowadays everyone, especially young people, can use a computer 'coz everything works thanks to technology. I personally don't like technology so much, but it's part of the world I'm living in, so I started to use it to keep me updated. In the end, I have to say it's extremely useful.

Of course, like all things in life, the Internet can be good or bad, depending on the way we use it. At the moment, almost everyone is addicted to the most famous social network in the world: Facebook. I'm completely addicted to it: I enter it almost every day and I enjoy it a lot. I upload pictures, I make some funny quizzes, I chat with people, I read info about other people in their profiles. My dad hates to see me using Facebook, but I'm convinced there's nothing bad about it. It's true that it's a waste of time and that most times I enter it just for fun, but it's also true it helps me keep in touch with foreign friends and with friends I don't see very often. What's more, we, Facebook users, can decide whether a person can become our "friend" or not, it's not that everybody can see our profile or pictures. It's up to us, we decide who our friends are. Personally, my friends on Facebook are the people I know, I don't accept "friends" I don't know.

As I said before, all depends on how we use the Internet tools we know. If we're honest and aware of the fact that it's better not to put too personal info on the web (such as our address and our telephone number) and that we can't trust everything we find on it (like some advertising that tells you you won a car 'coz you're the thousandth user), we're on the right track! I'm not so ingenuous, I already knew I have to pay attention to the things I do using the Internet.

In my opinion, the only thing we can do is taking the Internet seriously, avoiding to do something that can "damage" ourselves. Avoiding the Internet is really stupid, we'd better learn to use it properly.

lunedì 4 maggio 2009

Wanna know what the most stressful work ever is?

Seriously, guys, dunno how Sarah can know so many things about computers and the Internet. She makes us discover new things every week! : 0  (surprised expression)
As everybody knows, I don't like technology too much, but I have to admit that if someone explains me how to use it properly, it's not that bad.  ; ) 

For example, this is another great tool! It is the simplest way to work together on a document. The thing I appreciated the most about it was that we could change the document we were all working on all together. Last semester we used wiki, and, despite the fact I liked that experience, I have to say it was stressful to wait for my classmates editing it before editing it on my own. lets me avoid this stress, and it's great! 

Now, about the references Sarah and Francesca Helm used for their book... what a mess to correct them! My God, this was the most stressful work EVER!! At a certain point my classmates and I were really desperate... my dear Godness, we had to check every reference paying attention to the kind of reference it was. If the reference was an online interview, we shouldn't put the publisher, if it was a book we should write the date, and so on... thanks God we finished this E-tivity! I didn't like this work AT ALL! But I have to do it for my next dissertation : ( , so I guess it's better to be prepared!